10 weeks

We’ve had Sadie for 10 weeks. We can’t help but notice how huge she is getting and so we all camped out in front of the computer last night and looked through the pics from when we first got her.


ssssssssssssssss8/15/11 (5 weeks old)         vs.         10/26/11 (15 weeks old)

The 10 weeks have felt much longer, which got me thinking about dog years vs. human years. Apparently the age old formula of 1 dog year = 7 human years is not really accurate according to vets and it varies according to breed. By any calculations, our Sadie pup is definitely a toddler. She chews on everything, climbs up the stairs where she is not allowed to go, and doesn’t always obey.

And to think she used to be this innocent creature:


Time keeps on ticking…

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