making a way

Clearing trees will likely be forever on the to-do list around here. Documenting the process makes me feel more useful in this endeavor, though I have actually done a small amount of work in this arena (I am usually official brush hauler). I will state for the record that I have not actually operated a chain saw (yet?), but I did enter to win one today!

The project of this past Saturday had some “scope creep” as Steve might say and went from cutting down some trees into building a makeshift “road” through part of the swampy area over to the main part of the trail where the bridge across the stream is. Now there’s a complete path for the 4-wheeler from the pole barn on one side of the property to the bridge without having to drive across the front lawn to get to the trail on the other side of the property. Sorry for the lack of map/diagram which would be useful here.

Steve and his dad worked most of the day.

To say it was hard work is probably an understatement.

I counted 73 logs as I walked across to the other side. The new path is where the light now hits.

My contribution this day was clearing this foot path from near the driveway to the new path above.  I can handle the branch cutter/lopper things to take out the tiny trees!

We are accumulating enough brush to have a bonfire the size of Texas… but we have to clear a spot big enough for it…coming soon!

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